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All rights reserved. This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of the client for this project. RMT SOLUTIONS NV accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for it in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any other party.

All surveys, forcasts, projections en recommendations made in ths report or studies associated with the project are made in good faith on the basis of information available to the consultant at the time; and achievement of objectives, projections or forecasts set out in this report will depend among other things on the actions of the client, over which the consultant has nocontrol. Notwithstanding anything contained therein, neither RMT SOLUTIONS NV nor its servants or agents will, except as the law may require, be liable for any loss or other consequences (whether or not due to the negligence of the consultants, their servants or agents) arising out of the service rendered by the consultant.

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The information and design in this document are the property of RMT SOLUTIONS NV, and / or its associates.
Except as provided below the document is issued on the strict condition that except with the written permission of RMT SOLUTIONS NV it must not be reproduced, copied or communicated to any third party, not be used for any purpose other than that stated in the particular enquiry, order or contract with which it is issued. 
The reservation of copyright in this document extends from each date appearing thereon and in respect of the subject matter as it appeared at that relevant date.

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