
The software that really makes the difference...

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Dymenzions Operations Maintenance supports you in performing the right proof testing, with the right test frequency according to the right test methods and documentation.

The following safety regulations are included within Dymenzions Operations Maintenance:

  • Mechanical protections
  • Instrumented Safety Functions (SIF)
  • Machine safety
  • Procedures
  • Alarms

Dymenzions offers an interactive planning board, which allows a user to generate schedules and test instructions and enter test results. A dashboard provides an overview of the current status of all necessary tests and inspections. The test results are also clearly presented and immediately visible online. All actions resulting from the tests are registered in an action list and can only be completed once all necessary registrations have been made.



An important part of the IEC61511 standard is the maintenance and testing of equipment and the validation of operational safety functions. Dymenzions Operations Maintenance provides insight into this maintenance and helps you manage your systems and security measures.

Calculations & Design, IEC61511, atex inspection, atex inspection software, atex inspection frequency, atex inspection checklist, atex inspection requirements, atex 114, atex 153, atex certificering, atex close inspection, atex cursus, atex explosiegevaar, atex initial inspection, atex inspecteur, atex inspectie, atex inspectie bedrijven, atex inspectie certificering, atex inspectie procedure, atex inspection checklist pdf, atex inspection fault codes, atex keuringen en inspecties, atex richtlijn, atex richtlijnen, atex richtlijnen en inspectie, atex training, atex wetgeving, atex zones, certificate atex,


Operations Maintenance

Within Dymenzions Operations Maintenance you can add some relevant documentation from the design phase of the safety lifecycle, such as scenarios and risk levels, to your safety functions and equipment. Then you can describe and specify how your SIL equipment should be tested.

Dymenzions Operations Maintenance includes an extensive manufacturer database with test methods and test frequencies for the most common equipment in process technology. In addition, Dymenzions can calculate the test frequency for a trip test of a SIF loop, depending on the SIL level.

Dymenzions schedules tests automatically and can take into account, for example, a shutdown or turnaround of the plant. In the planning board, users can select their assigned tests, generate test instructions and record test results. The dashboard provides an overview of the status of functional safety in your plant. For example, you can see how many tests have been performed, whether they have been performed within the time limit, which defects have been found and which problems remain. With the included reporting module, you can also generate comprehensive reports.



This add-on allows you to manage overrides when testing a safety function or during failures.

The overrides add-on provides the following functionality:

  • Submit a request for cancellation
  • Automatic generation of override documentation with SIL level
  • Authorization policies for overrides can be set per SIL level
  • Setting, Restoring, and Releasing Overrides
  • Keeping track of exceedance times and signaling when the maximum exceedance time has been exceeded
  • Current overview of active exceedances, times and history
  • Ability to automatically generate and send emails on:
    o Authorization request
    o Request for approval/rejection
    o Exceeding the exceedance time

Extensive reporting

  • With the extended reporting add-on you have the possibility to register defects, requirements and (wrongly) addressed safety functions during the regular production process. This can be done manually or via an automatic connection with your equipment. With the extended reporting add-on you have:
  • Full registration of targeted safety features and equipment requirements
  • Understanding “dangerous” unnoticed and “false” journeys
  • Ability to collect “proven in use” data
  • If desired, automatic adjustment of failure rates, PFDAverage and test frequencies when field measured failure rates deviate from predefined documentation.


Connect your SAP to Dymenzions? That is possible. Dymenzions SAP interface makes it possible to exchange data registered in SAP and to automatically synchronize it with data from Dymenzions and vice versa. This prevents double entry of data and the information shown is always up-to-date. Since Dymenzions can also send work orders to SAP, changes to the existing workflow and processes are minimal.

  • Existing data in SAP does not need to be entered into Dymenzions
  • No double entry required in subsequent processes
  • Automatic data synchronization; information is always up-to-date
  • In Dymenzions, compliance with safety regulations is monitored
  • Direct monitoring of compliance with safety regulations when making changes to SAP, for example equipment
  • Easy integration of Dymenzions into the current workflow


  • Structured testing of your equipment
  • Manage open issues and actions through a simple action list
  • Optimal planning of your (trial) tests and inspections
  • Use a supplied manufacturer database with the correct test methods and test frequencies
  • If desired, calculate the optimal test frequency for your equipment and SIF loops using the PFD Average method.
  • Clear and validated registration of your test results in a dashboard
  • Extensive reporting options
Operations & Maintenance
Calculations & Design


Operations Maintenance supports you in testing your equipment correctly and efficiently, so that you can demonstrate and validate the proper functioning of your safety functions and facilities
